Unique Marquina ZeroTM
Perfection of elegance
特点 | 单位 | 4 |
遇火表现 UNE-EN-ISO 9239-1:2002 & ISO 1716:2002 | 欧洲等级标准 | A2fl s1 |
热膨胀系数 UNE EN 14617-11:2006 | ºC-1 | 3.3 x 105 |
防变形 UNE EN 14617-2:2005 | 兆帕 | 80 – 90 |
耐冲击性 UNE EN 14617-9:2005 | J | & 15 |
防滑性* UNE EN 14231:2004 | USRV | 6 湿度 37 干度 |
吸水性 UNE EN 14617-1:2005 | % | 0.06 – 0.08 |
表观密度 UNE EN 14617-1:2005 | kg/m3 | 2.060-2080 |
耐磨性 UNE-EN 14617-3:2005 | mm | 28-30 |
耐化学性 UNE EN 14617-10:2005 | C4 | C4(该材料在受到酸碱侵蚀8小时后至少保持80%的反射率参考值 ) |
表面硬度 UNI EN 101 瓷砖 | 莫氏硬度检测 | 6 -7 |
该表中数值仅为参考,因此不具有约束力。 欲了解更多信息,请联系我们技术部门。
Cradle to Cradle Certified™ Silver, a certificate that guarantees the sustainable characteristics of this innovative material created from 100% recycled glass. An international recognition that evaluates the products and their manufacturing process to ensure that the premises of the circular economy are met. Download certificate | |
IQ Circular Science, the responsible sense of COMPAC, the philosophy of respect for the environment that we have been working on for years. All of our portfolio designs are produced sustainably with 100% renewable energy and 98% of the water used in the production process is recycled. In addition, IQ Circular Pro includes recycled raw materials. Similarly, all designs contain little or no Respirable Crystalline Silica (RCS). | |
HPD CERTIFICATE. Health Product Declaration® (HPD) Collaborative is an association representing the full spectrum of the building industry which certificates improvements in product information transparency and material health in buildings and the environment. | |
Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs). Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) present relevant and verified environmental information on products and services over their entire life cycle. |